
Steve white dinosaur art
Steve white dinosaur art

As we discover more about the beasts that once walked this earth they take the fossils, they take the latest theories about how the creatures lived and use their imagination to create a representation of the beasts. The fact is there are artists that specifically work on Palaeontology, “Paleoartists” who work with science and art, taking what we know so far about dinosaurs and bringing these beasts to life.

steve white dinosaur art

We take it for granted that is what they must have looked like, that some scientist has taken the fossils and put skin over them and are showing us exactly what these creatures must have been, or of course we could be cynical and say they are just making it up. When we think of dinosaurs we think of the huge beasts with teeth and claws that we see in books, that we see in movies and television and of course that we fight against in computer games. Dinosaur Art: The World’s Greatest Paleoart, Titan Books, 28th September, £24.99.

Steve white dinosaur art